Writing down your deepest desires on a manifestation list is one of the easiest ways of using the Law of Attraction. You can manifest everything you want from wealth to love to prosperity simply by scribbling your dreams on a piece of paper. There are endless benefits to having a written account of what you want to attract most in your life.

If you don't know where to start, you can use our guide on how to write a manifestation list and get a step closer to manifesting your wishes into reality!

How to make and use a manifestation list

Why You Need A Manifestation List

Before we get down to business, it is essential to know exactly why you need a manifestation list.

Every day, you get different desires and dreams. Some of them are temporary, while others last a lifetime. It is easy to succumb to confusion and anxiety when you have to choose what you want to manifest firstly to improve your life.

A manifestation list helps you make sense of the amalgam of wishes and dreams in your mind. It helps you differentiate between the things that you desire and truly need in your life and those that are mere, passing cravings.

Step 1: Unleash Your Dreams!

The first things you need to start a manifestation list are pen and paper. You will want to create this powerful tool for manifesting dreams on something as tangible as a piece of paper. Creating a document on your computer will make it easy to ignore or accidentally delete later down the road.

Get a clean piece of paper and start writing down everything you wish to manifest in your life. It could be anything from buying a new car, getting a better salary or attracting a soul mate. Do not worry too much about prioritizing them at this point. Just write down everything you have ever wanted and hoped for in your life.

Step 2: Be Specific!

Once the brainstorming session is over, take a deep breath and start analyzing the paper, which is yet to become a manifestation list. You now probably have a few pages with scribbled words, some of which are indecipherable to an outside observer.

While you look through the list of desires, begin prioritizing them. Cut off those that are shallow, unimportant or no longer attainable. Start numbering those that remain, regardless of their number.

Now, take a new piece of paper and transcript those wishes in the order that you consider making the most sense for your current situation. This is the start of your manifestation list!

Step 3: Switch To Present Tense!

When you write down your desires on the brand new list of things to manifest, make sure that you do it using the present tense. Your list may look something like this:

  1. I work hard to attract more money in my life
  2. I use surplus money to get a new house
  3. I attract a new love into my life
  4. I have the courage to look for a better job


  1. I prepare myself for a new level of prosperity

By using this strategy you increase your responsibility for what you manifest in your life. This way, you are always aware of what you need to do next to turn your desires into reality.

Step 4: Make Copies Of Your Manifestation List

Now that it is all written down, there is no way back for you. That manifestation list in your hand is a document through which you assume responsibility for living a better life. Consider it as a contract that you sign with your conscience through which you take up the noble duty of improving your life.

Make several copies of this list and place them in your home, your office and even in the dashboard of your car. Stick one to the bathroom mirror and keep another one in your wallet. Hang one above your working station and place one on your nightstand. This way, you will always have a reminder of your desires close by that will act as both an inspiration and a motivation.

Step 5: Update Your Manifestation List

In time, after you manifest some of your desires into reality, you do not have to write a new manifestation list. Instead, cross off those that you have obtained, and write them down again on the same lines, but in the past tense. It should look something like this:

  1. I work hard to attract more money in my life. I worked hard and attracted more money.
  2. I use surplus money to get a new house. I used surplus wealth to buy a new house.
  3. I attract a new love into my life. I attracted a new love into my life.
  4. I have the courage to look for a better job


  1. I prepare myself for a new level of prosperity

Summing Up

Now you know what a manifestation list should look like and how you're supposed to use it to help attract the things you desire. These are the simple steps you need to follow in order to come up with a good manifestation list, that you can then refer to periodically to remind you of your progress when it comes to your goals! Try it out and see your situation improve every time you cross out an objective on your vision list!

Another great tool to help the attraction process is a manifestation board (vision board). You should check that out as well.