
Best Graphic Design Tools For Ipad

New iPad: designers have their say

From its Retina Display to its quad-core A5X processor, the new Apple iPad (aka the iPad 3) is packed with amazing features that finally enable it go head-to-head against regular desktop or laptop computers - especially when it comes to helping creatives dream up new designs on the move.

We asked three leading UK designers for their reaction to the new Apple iPad. This is what they had to say:

mills, chief wonka, ustwo:

mills, ustwo

mills, ustwo

"The massive screen resolution offers us an entirely new world of opportunities where we can create even more beautiful and stunning experiences for users. More colour, detail and impact meaning more perfection, engagement and enjoyment.

"The iPad is such a great device for any designer. There's so many apps out there that are perfect for inspiration or to use whilst actually designing - particularly Sketchshare and Skala View.

"Also with apps like Minimal Folio you can finally get rid of your student portfolio folder. Creating amazing things solely on the iPad is possible too, just look at iPhoto, Photoshop Touch and of course the creative sound based wallpaper creator: Granimator."

Ian Wharton, creative director and partner, Zolmo

Ian Wharton, creative director and partner at Zolmo

Ian Wharton, creative director and partner at Zolmo

"One thing Apple do better than anyone is to inspire the users of their new products to aim higher. iPad 3 is no exception. The technology in Post-PC devices is forever making creativity more accessible, undeniably.

"I think something we should all consider for a moment is how fast the technology is advancing, and the implications involved.

"The pace of innovation is in danger of overtaking our understanding of it and we need to give ourselves the time to ask the right questions when creating products or content for them.

Rather than 'What can we do with the technology?' we need to ask 'What can do we that is genuinely meaningful?'

iPad with iPhoto for iOS, March 2012

iPad with iPhoto for iOS, March 2012

Stewart Hamilton-Arrandale, interactive designer, Creativewax:

Stewart Hamilton-Arrandale, Interactive designer, Creativewax

Stewart Hamilton-Arrandale, Interactive designer, Creativewax

"With the iPad 3 [sic] as with everything Apple they have made sure to keep everything familiar, so the consumer / developer are never needed to learn anything new to use the device, but my concern is that for people already owning an iPad especially an iPad 2, why would you upgrade to the iPad 3?

"Sure the new massive resolution is going to make reading a breeze, but other than that I struggle to think of a reason to upgrade to a device that I still see not having a one hundred percent use in life or the the work place.

"On the design side of things we now face the same challenges as faced with the iPhone 4 in that we need hi-res versions of all our assets that make up the app. While this is a time-taking challenge in itself, the bigger challenge is to create experiences that run as well on an iPad 1 / 2 as compared to an iPad 3. Take an app like Sketchshare, for example: the main aim was to create a fast and easy-to-use tool, which was fluid to sketch with while sending data to multiple devices

"The big compromise to get this at the moment was to make the drawable canvas size 1024 x 768 which is fine in itself but you always want more detail. The problem is that in making the drawable surface bigger this had effects of performance from the iPad 1 to 2.

"Now looking at the iPad 3 it is going to have to have double the canvas size as standard to make use of the detailed screen, so you are faced with a lot of choices as to how to design and build apps: do you create a unified experience across all devices - which might mean cutting a few corners on the older iPads such as a 1024 x 768 canvas vs 2048 x 1536 on the iPad 3? Or do you aim for the seemingly unreachable goal of making the app the same on all devices in the hope that the older device can some how hang in there and not get taken out with a massive memory warning.

"Personally I would always go for creating the same experience across all of the devices, which will ultimately mean that the iPad 3 would just create better detailed results but still feel the same."

Check out the new iPad 3 review from our friends at TechRadarWhat do you think? Do you want one? Are you going to buy one? Have you already ordered one? Write in and let us know: add your comments below

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